Prevashodni cilj ovog udruženja je zaštita i staranje o psima koji žive na ulicima Beograda putem mreže saradnika, zatim podrška CNR programu Grada Beograda i borba za pravnu regulaciju u ovoj oblasti. EI 17 ima par stotina pasa na ulicama Beograda, par mini azila na obodima grada gde je zbrinuto preko 150 pasa i 80 mačaka, o kojima brinu naši članovi na svojim posedima.
EI 17 ima preko 130 članova.
Grad nastavlja brigu o životinjama, u 2013. planirana velika novčana ulaganja
Za izgradnju groblja 72 miliona dinara
Autor: B. Karović
Beograd će sledeće godine dobiti groblje zed kućne ljubimce. Naime, za tu namenu je u budžetu za 2013. godinu, koji je usvojila Skupština grada, planirano 72 miliona dinara. Planirana je i nabavka peći za spaljivanje životinjskih leševa i peći za spaljivanje medicinskog otpada, a za to će se izdvojiti 36 miliona dinara. Za nabavku dve stacionarne hladnjače za smeštaj leševa životinja i medicinskog otpada utrošiće se šest miliona dinara.
Danica Drobac, predsednica udruženja za zaštitu životinja Evropska inicijativa 17, podseća za Danas da su sve dosadašnje gradske vlasti obećavale izgradnju groblja za kućne ljubimce, te zato ne sumnja da će trenutna vlast to i ispuniti.
„Radujem se tome. Vlasnici pasa su, zaista, dovedeni u nemoguću, a veoma bolnu i potresnu, situaciju kada izgube četvoronožnog člana porodice kojeg nemaju gde da sahrane. Na primer, članica Udruženja je imala veoma neugodnu situaciju. Izgubila je svoju mezimicu, napravila joj je kovčežić, pokrov, čak joj je bila stavila i krstić i noću je sahranila blizu auto-puta, a pored njene kuće. Međutim, neko od komšija je video i došla je interventna jedinica da otkopa i vidi tajni kovčeg. Kada su videli šta je, pozvali su šintere i oni su odneli kucu. Žena je taj čin doživela kao drugu njenu smrt. Jedva smo uspeli da leš kuce dobijemo natrag“, navodi Drobac.
Takođe, u budžetu za narednu godinu je planiran i novac za proširenje prihvatilišta za pse u Kovilovu, i to 48 miliona dinara, ali i za izgradnju prihvatilišta za pse na Opštini Zvezdara, za šta će se utrošiti 50 miliona dinara. Nabavka pet specijalizovanih kombi vozila za Veterinu Beograd koštaće malo više od 20 miliona, a nabavka jednog minibus vozila šest miliona dinara. Za nabavku opreme za hiruršku salu Veterine Beograd planirano je, takođe, šest miliona dinara.
Međutim, Danica Drobac kaže da izgradnjom prihvatilišta za pse Grad nastavlja sa pogrešnom i pogubnom politikom. Ta politika je, kaže ona, u suprotnosti sa civilizacijskim i evropskim vrednostima koje je, u pogledu tretiranja pasa i postupanja sa njima, doneo 2009. godine Zakon o dobrobiti životinja.
„Psi se neopravdano, neselektivno i masovno stavljaju u prihvatilišta megalomanskih kapaciteta. To je svojevrstan fenomen i apsolutni rekord jer nam nije poznato da je iko ikada u svetu gradio prihvatilišta takvih kapaciteta za hiljade pasa. Reklo bi se da Grad nije razumeo problem pojave pasa na ulicama. Međutim, to nije tačno, jer su razumeli, i to dobro, s obzirom da su sve tačno i ispravno na tu temu napisali u svojoj Strategiju, koju je gradska Skupština usvojila 22. septembra 2011. Tu piše da azili ne mogu da reše problem jer se bave posledicom, da mogu čak i da ga pogoršaju i da neminovno postaju mesto opšte patnje pasa, zaraze i stresa za zaposlene, pa se stvar završava ubijanjem svih pasa“, smatra naša sagovornica.
Drobac ocenjuje da se ne mogu donositi evropski zakoni, a sa psima se postupati na balkanski način. Kako objašnjava, azili su nehumani i lišavaju pse prava da žive u skladu sa potrebama svoje vrste, što je propisao i Zakon o dobrobiti životinja.
„Do sada je Grad stavio u svoja prihvatilišta oko 2.700 pasa i ne treba biti stručnjak za materiju da bi se zaključilo da u takvim uslovima o dobrobiti pasa ne može biti ni reči. Dakle, Zakon o dobrobiti se u potpunosti ignoriše, kao i sam Pravilnik o uslovima koje moraju ispuniti prihvatilišta i pansioni koje je Uprava za veterinu donela tek ove godine, a brojna gradska prihvatilišta su već bila izgrađena i psi u njih smešteni. Pitam kako je to moguće“, zaključuje Drobac.
Planovi za 2014.
Za 2014. gradska vlast je planirala nabavku „Poljske bolnice za životinje“. Za to će se potrošiti 24 miliona dinara. Zatim, za izgradnju sabirnog centra za animalni otpad planirano je 72 miliona dinara, koliko i za nabavku 15 kombi vozila za sakupljanje animalnog otpada. Izgradnja prihvatilišta za pse na Čukarici iznosiće 50 miliona dinara, dok je za izgradnju karantina za životinje planirano 72 miliona dinara.
With our signature we protest against the city of Belgrade’s unscrupulous handling of strays!
According to the constitutional court as well as to the Protection of Animals Act in force the killing of strays has been forbidden in Belgrade (Serbia) since 2009!
Thus the city of Belgrade continuously practised in an exemplary way the worldwide respected strategy of ‚Catch-Neuter-Release‘ (CNR) for a couple of years, had strays neutered, microchipped and vaccinated and finally released them in their original habitat.
But recently the local animal welfare suffered a tragic U-turn:
From September 2011 onwards, all of the strays which were neutered and chipped (and thus also registrated) over the last years were caught by the score by municipal dog catchers and brought to the completely overcrowded municipal shelters.
Private people as well as organisations having registrated animals on their names do now have to pay high ‚service fees‘ in order to get their animals out of these shelters.
In the past, many animal rights groups had animals registrated on the name of their organisations in order to protect them and to make clear that they are permanently taken care of. According to the CNR-strategy the dogs were left in their old habitats. Now the city of Belgrade tries to declare these strays as “dogs having an owner”! Having the animals registrated earlier on shall be the animal rights groups’ doom now.
The ‚service fee‘ being due after the dogs were caught is anything but justified and accumulates to horrendous amounts in no time (catching a dog by „Veterina Beograd“ amounts to a lump sum of € 55 for each animal + „lump sum for shelter accommodation” amounting to about € 4,60 for each animal per day). Thus we are talking of enormous amounts of money which neither private persons nor animal rights groups may afford because the monthly average income in Serbia totals € 300!
In case that someone pays the ‘service fee’ and brings the dog back to its original habitat (thus following the CNR-strategy propagated by the city of Belgrade for years) the dog will soon be caught again and the „owner“ will have to pay the ‘service fee’ anew.
And things are even getting worse:
The responsible authorities try to impute to the animal rights groups that they practise a kind of „irresponsible keeping of animals“ – although these animals never had a home in the classic sense!
Serbian courts will soon have to decide whether the „irresponsible owners of animals“ will additionally be threatened with a legal procedure: The administrative penalty shall amount up to € 500 for private persons and up to € 8.700 (one million dinar!) for animal rights groups. This has to be prevented!
In the meantime, the municipal shelters are completely overcrowded. Dogs are penned up at random, many of them bite each other to death. Neutered and unneutered dogs, males and females, all of them are kept together, and intact animals of course reproduce themselves. Epidemics by canine parvovirosis and distemper are carrying many dogs off. The dogs contaminate each other rapidly within this small space and subsequently perish painfully.
Although the city of Belgrade has no longer killed the dogs directly it nevertheless causes the painful death of thousands of animals in the municipal shelters! Thus the city of Belgrade acts completely contrary to the regulations of its own and officially presented “strategy for straying dogs and cats”!
Back in the eighties already, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the CNR-strategy in order to reduce the population of strays. ‘Catch-Neuter-Release’ is the only efficient and animal friendly method to battle against the misery of strays all over Europe.
How may the CNR-strategy (which was also preached by the city of Belgrade for some years and is, of course, supported by all of the animal rights activists) work now if the strays cannot be brought back into their former habitats (“release”)?
We, the signatories, ask the city of Belgrade and all persons in charge to immediately stop the meaningless catching and arresting of strays in municipal shelters!
Already now the situation in the cram-full shelters claims the lives of thousands of dogs! Furthermore, we ask for a prompt return to the CNR-programme: The dogs have to be released in exactly those places where they were caught!
This is the only way to permanently and effectively solve the problem of strays in an animal friendly way!
This petition is directed to the following persons and institutions:
Dragan Dilas - Mayor of the city of Belgrade
The President of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic
Mladan Dinkic - Minister of finance
Nikola Selakovic - Minister of justice
Predrag Petrovic – Secretary of the municipal Secretariat for Utilities and Housing Services
Dr. Terzin – Deputy Secretary, responsible person for the realisation of the „strategy for straying dogs and cats“
Taman kada sam se na proputovanju do redakcije “Dnevnika” u baštenskoj loži novosadskog kafea, s jesenjom miholjskomkompozicijom u glavi i svrabom u stomaku, s obrednim jutarnjim espresom na stolu i kafanskim novinama pod obrvama, nameravao da pod plafonom ove reporterske “kolumne” – tj. njenog gradskog ciklusa koji je u toku – ove nedelje nastavim priču o (staro)pazovačkim slovačkim biciklistinjama u misterioznim, uštirkanim suknjama, i taman kada sam, s pogledom na trotoar, razmišljao o (meteorološkom) fenomenu ili, pak, o možda subjektivnoj iluziji da su žene – nazovimo ih cvećem muškog života – najlepše na jutarnjem miholjskom plavetnilu od druge polovine septembra do prve polovine oktobra, relaksiran sunčanim pejzažom, napojen plavetnilom i pozitivnim jonima, oslobođen i provetren iznutra dobrim stvaralačkim raspoloženjem kao posledicom bistre i prohladne svetlosti koju sam doneo u Novi Sad sa sveže asfaltne kore pazovačkog Svetosavskog bulevara, i taman kada sam... kad, okrenuh stranicu latiničnih novina, i gle, opet, ljudske brljotine!
Ove stvari teško mi je da zamislim: postanak svemira (iz čega? iz ničega?), sebe kako ubijam ili zlostavljam domaću ili divlju životinju (ili asistiram pri ubijanju ili zlostavljanju) i žute markice, minđuše novog svetskog poretka na ušima slobodnih sremskih svinja! Tada, kada sam ovo napisao – ja koji sam pre četiri godine usvojio uličnog mačka Žileta, mačka kojeg je kod novosadske Banovine iskasapio neki auto, i posvetio roman “Bratstvo mermernog krsta” brutalno ubijenom psu lutalici iz Raške Dijagonali – kao da sam bio “tvrđi” čovek i kao da mi je letvica emocionalne i profesionalne tolerancije i izdržljivosti bila baždarena na višem nivou. Sad, kako otvorim jutarnje novine, tako letvica padne. Mali svakodnevi užasi! Fotografija otrovane keruše u Kuršumliji čiji leš sisaju kučići. Fotografija psa obešenog o drvo u Futogu. Fotografija mačeta odrezanih zadnjih nogu... Šta će im sledeće pasti na pamet? I hoćemo li u zemlji Srbiji, Zemlji pregaženih pasa, nekada doživeti da se prezenter(ka) nacionalnog televizijskog Dnevnika zagrcne, makar i zbunjen(a), između dve svetske vesti, i pročita poslednju – vest koja je stigla u toku Dnevnika – da je policija večeras uhapsila čudovište za koje se osnovano sumnja da je odrezalo šape keruši Mili? I šta je s tim slučajem ? Da li je istraga stala? Ili, bar, hoćemo li jednom u Zemlji pregaženih pasa odahnuti sa zahvalnošću (državi), gledajući u televizijskom Dnevniku kako onoga koji je prerezao grkljan zlatnom retriveru s lisicama na rukama uvode u sudnicu?
Jednom sam pametovao pod plafonom ovog maratonskog reporterskog serijala kako je naša frustrirana svakodnevica postala poput nekakvog minskog polja; začas vas oni, ma kako se čuvali od viška života i preterane upotrebe stvarnosti,navuku na svoj mrak i dovedu vas pred svršen čin, i taman kada se najmanje nadate, nagazite na neku njihovu brljotinu, upadne vam u oko, poput trunčice stakla, neki mali svakodnevni užas. Premda u ovim reportažama često i rado citiram sebe, ovoga puta ilustrovaću tezu o minskom polju klasičnom situacijom u kojoj plovite u limuzini fruškogorskim Grebenskim drumom osvetljenim hiperbaričnom septembarskom svetlošću i, s blagim kapima muzike u zvučnicima – dok vam preko ekrana auta provejava opalo lišće – opušteni i u prividnom miru sa sobom, svetom i šumom, uživate u poeziji crvenkasto-žućkastog pejzaža pod suncem, sve do momenta, sve do trenutka istine, kada vam u šoferšajbni, u sred šume, eksplodira maločas pregaženi pas, i kada shvatite da ga je na sredini puta pregazio tvrdokrilac koji je u svom crnom tenku upravo projurio pored vas...
Mali svakodnevni užasi! Mužjak s blistavim psom kao s reklamom na povodcu, ljubitelj čistokrvnih pasa, koji se sa svojom statusnom životinjom uspinje na most kod novosadskog Štranda – ako sam tačno precizirao lokaciju – i odjedared, hvata za gušu radoznalo napušteno kerče, koje je vrteći repom prišlo da se upozna s njegovom reklamom, i kerče baca s mosta, isterujući vrisak iz životinjice koje pada u dubinu i krik, Munkov krik, iz grla skamenjene žene koja se tu zatekla u šetnji (i koja je u očaju, u nemoćnom besu, poslala SMS u “Dnevnikovu” mobilnu rubričicu). Automehaničar koji drži psa vezanog na pola metra lanca. Ciganin na skalameriji zatrpanoj kartonskom ambalažom, nalik na maloletnika, koji stoji na taljigama s kajasima zategnutim u jednu stranu (kao da vuče slona) i toljagom po rebrima udara neuhranjeno konjče u trku na raskršću kod Banovine. Baba iz Karlovaca koja je psa vezala volovskim lancem u skrnovoj avliji pored međunarodnog puta. Devojčica koja kod Miletića cima, vuče, mrcvari belo kučence kao da je na povodcu dobila krpenu lutku, baca ga kao loptu, dok se mama smeje...
I ovaj me je poučni gradski prizor, evo, ovog momenta, teleportovao deset godina u rikverc i prebacio na stražilovački drum, šumski deo (otprilike sto metara ispod prve rampe), da bih sebe – kao da sada gledam – video kako biciklom, pažljivo da ne razljutim šumskog boga, zaobilazim četu jelenaka koji se gegaju prelazeći put, zatim kako pozdravljam mladu ženu koja se putem spušta od čardaka s dečakom, i još vidim sebe kako se gore, blizu druge rampe, štrecam i verglam niz brdo, da bih na putu ugledao zgnječene jelenke, mali svakodnevni užas, i dole, pre nego što će zamaći iza šumske krivine, ugledao njih dvoje dok se osvrću prema meni... Tako počinje.
A evo kako se nastavlja. I, dakle, onog jutra u Novom Sadu, dok sam se oštrio da pišem o zarudelom lišću nepripitomljenog kestena, koje provejava s drvoreda u Svetosavskom pazovačkom bulevaru, i o nekom naročitom elektricitetu kojeg emituju žene u miholjskoj jeseni, okrenuh stranicu jutarnjih novina... Mina! I još jedan mali svakodnevni užas. Na fotografiji žena s mačetom u naručju. I, premda, sve češće, obično uz jutarnji kofeinski opijat, kad mi se u zenicu, negde odozdo sa dna ili iz ćoška neke neoprezno prelistane stranice na zabačenim parcelama novina – gde urednici, moderatori papirnatog života, uglavnom pakuju, po njima, manje važne fragmente svakodnevice – zabode neki “problematiči” naslov ili, pak, neka eksplicitna slika sa životinjom, i premda, dakle, uprkos iskustvu, nagazivši po ko zna koji put na papirnatu minu, refleksno, sada već refleksno, gledam da smaknem pogled i, s mušicom u glasnim žicama i ranicom na duši, pređem na drugi tekst ili na sledeću stranicu i izbegnem suočenje s istinom, uvek se nekako štrecnem i vratim, vratim se kao krivac podvijenog repa, preletim pogledom preko “spornog” teksta (i fotografije) i oližem, oližem kao sonu kiselinu, poneki detalj... Tekst je ovoga puta objavljen na prvoj polovini novina, tamo gde ga uopšte nisam očekivao. Žena je pronašla mače u kartonskoj kutiji odrezanih zadnjih nogu. Istraga je u toku.
I ta je žena, kako saznajem iz teksta, poznata u tom beogradskom kraju po tome što spasava pse i mačke koje su odbacili ljudi, pa je usvojila i nekoliko napuštenih i bolesnih pasa. Hoćemo li nekada čuti da je društvo nagradilo za plemenitost ljude poput ove divne žene? Hoćemo li nekada doživeti da oktobarsku ili februarsku nagradu Novog Sada dobije npr., Zorka Damjanović, vlasnica azila kod Budisave, žena koja je ostavila sve(t) i stara se o 350 pasa, godinama uzalud moleći da joj Novi Sad pomogne... Grad koji plaća milionske odštete za ujede pasa lutalica s indicijama da je uhvaćen u vrzino kolo beščašća.
Bes, nemoćni bes, koji mi je na primarnom nivou čitalačke percepcije duplirao pritisak zbog bezobraznog omalovažavanja životinje, onomad kada me je – takođe uz jutarnji espreso – doveo pred svršen čin i zapahnuo s lica onih neozbiljnih novina debeli crni naslov: Prvi Srbin koji će robijati zbog džukele – naslov kroz čiju se prostačku vickastost pas dehumanizuje nazivom džukela i, štaviše, “okrivljuje” zbog toga što će neki Srbin – koji ga je inače zlostavljao i ubio – robijati zbog njega, pretopio se, taj moj čitalački bes, kada progutah tekst, u neko stanje uboge, očajniče zahvalnosti (tom listu i tom novinaru) i nekog olakšanja utopljenika kome je s obale bačen makar i probušen šlauf, kada se ukazala slamka nade da će, ovoga puta, srpska država odraditi svoj posao, i čudovište, makar i srpsko, poslati u zatvor. Da li je (bio) u zatvoru, to ne znam. I kada su, opet, osakatili neko kerče, i kada o tome ne pročitah ni retka u takozvanoj ozbiljnoj štampi, otvorih, opet, one neozbiljne novine (za koje su psi džukele), i preko cele strane ugledah tekst o osakaćenoj životinjici neke dirljivo motivisane novinarke, i zahvalih se u sebi i njoj i tim neozbiljnim novinama... Ozbiljne novine imaju pametnijeg posla.
I dok u zemlji Srbiji, Zemlji pregaženih pasa, takoreći svakodnevno gledam zlo, odnosno dok zlo gleda mene kroz leš nemačkog ovčara ostavljenog u fruškogorskoj šumi kod Zmajevca i, nekoliko dana kasnije, ustreljenog pored puta pištoljem iz auta, zlo koje neometano (nekažnjeno ili smešno kažnjeno), “naročito poslednjih godina”, izjavljuju statističari i svedoci ljudskih brljotina, iznalazi sve maštovitije načine okrutnosti prema psima i mačkama – bićima koja su nam nekako najbliža i, civilizacijski, socijalno i emotivno, najbliskija u urbanom pejzažu – stalno mi se po glavi vrzmaju upitnici, pitanja bez odgovora koja su u Zemlji pregaženih pasa postala sama sebi svrha: zašto to ljudi rade životinjama, i hoćemo li – hoćemo li za naših života – osetiti, bar, kakavu-takvu “satisfakciju” od države da negde na zabačenim stranicama u ćošku nekih novina pročitamo da je taj i taj monstrum pravosnažno poslat na trogodišnje robijanje zbog toga što je u Futogu obesio psa za drvo ili u Kuršumliji otrovao kerušu ili na Zvezdari odrezao zadnje noge mačetu ili u Dunavskom parku u Novom Sadu ubio jednog od ona tri labudića? Da. U Dunavskom parku ubio labudića.
Željko Marković Dnevnik, Novi Sad, 30. septembar 2012.
Na fotografiji: Zorka Damjanović, vlasnica azila kod Budisave, i reporter “Dnevnika” Željko Marković, u društvu spasenih pasa
Napad na zoohigijeničara koji se dogodio pre nekoliko dana, dok je na terenu vršio svoju dužnost, još jednom je otvorio pitanje rešavanja problema nevlasničkih pasa. Veoma složen problem pojave takvih pasa na ulicama gradova ne može se rešiti na brzinu, smatraju u udruženjima koja se bave zaštitom prava životinja.
- Ovo pitanje je složeno i zadire u brojne segmente društva, a pre svega u ponašanje čoveka. Gotovo svaka zemlja ima problem sa tom pojavom, jedina je razlika u tome koliko koja, postojećim institucionalnim mehanizmima koje je uvela, uspeva da je drži, manje ili više, pod kontrolom. Nažalost, u našem društvu niko ne razume problem, često i oni koji treba da ga rešavaju, a dobrim delom propust su načinili kako mediji, tako i sami nadležni, jer preko potrebna edukacije i informisanja građana je potpuno izostala - ocenjuje u razgovoru za Danas Danica Drobac, predsednica Evropske inicijative 17.
Prema njenim rečima, u srpskom društvu svetska iskustva u rešavanju ovog problema i mišljenje struke, kao i NVO sektora, gotovo da se ne uvažavaju, pa se tako 12 godina, odnosno od demokratskih promena, ništa nije uradilo na uzroku ove pojave.
- Uzrok pojave su ljudi, odnosno neodgovorno vlasništvo ili izbacivanje pasa i njihovih potomaka na ulice. Treba napraviti sistem koji će biti tako osmišljen da se identifikuju i kazne svi koje se tako ponašaju, čime će se takva pojava suzbiti, ako ne potpuno, ono makar će se kontrolisati, i to je uslov sine qua non rešenja problema. Nažalost, na tome nadležni ne rade, jer je to mukotrpan i obiman posao - smatra Drobac.
Ona objašnjava da je nužno intenzivno sterilisati sve ulične pse kako bi se na taj način sprečila njihova reprodukcija.
- Sistem CNR, tačnije princip hvatanje - sterilisanje - vraćanja životinja na njihova staništa, nema alternativu, jer CNR pas je nosilac rešenja, u smislu smanjenja populacije pasa. Dakle, ne može se reprodukovati, a na staništu na kome živi, terajući sve druge pse koji bi došli, sprečava instaliranje novih neobrađenih pasa, što je vrlo korisno jer CNR psi su prošli test ponašanja, te se samo miroljubivi vraćaju među ljude, čime ne ugrožavaju okolinu, a to se zaboravlja - kaže sagovornica Danasa i podseća da se uporno zaboravlja činjenica da Beograd ima sistem CNR punih deset godinai da jeprestonica usvajanjem prve Strategije 2006. godine masovno počela i sama da isključivo primenjuje CNR, što znači da je sterilisao pse i vraćao ih na staništa.
- Sadašnja gradska vlast je 21. septembra 2011. usvojila novu Strategiju u kojoj je po prvi put, u pisanoj formi, ozvaničila postojeći CNR i najavila njegovu legalizaciju kroz usvajanje odgovarajuće odluke. Napomnjem da je svih deset godina primenjivani CNR bio isključivo izraz političke volje, ali ni i pravno potvrđen. Međutim, to je izostalo jer Beograd, za razliku od drugih gradova, nije ni doneo Program za kontrolu i smanjenje populacije po članu 54. Zakona o dobrobiti u roku od dve godine, a povrh svega počeo je brutalno da ruši postojeći CNR i to nasilno, jer zapisali su njegovu legalizaciju, a u međuvremenu novi dokument nisu usvojili, i to neselektivnim hvatanjem pasa, a najčešće upravo CNR, jer sami prilaze šinterima na poziv pošto su potpuno socijalizovani - objašnjava Drobac.
Ona tvrdi da je većina uličnih pasa odavno bila sterilisana i da su oni, iako su imali staratelje koji su ih hranili i o njima brinuli, silom odneti u azile u kojima, kako kaže, pate i drhte, čekajući svoj red za umiranje.
- Tražimo da nam vrate sve pse o kojima smo godinama brinuli jer su nas prevarili, a usmenim nalozima prekršili brojne zakone. Vrhunac je što nas još i pljačkaju jer te iste CNR pse, brojni čipovani na građane ili na udruženja, njihove staratelje, znajući da su ulični, proglasili za „vlasničke“ i naplaćuju troškove: ulov psa 5.500 dinara i 460 dinara po danu boravka. Takođe, protiv staratelja uličnih pasa su pokrenuti postupci za „napuštanje“, što nije tačno jer su ti psi rođeni na ulici,a građani su samo o njima brinuli. Moram da kažem da su kazne po Zakonu o dobrobiti enormne i idu do 50.000 dinara za fizičko lice, odnosno do milion dinara za pravno lice - zaključuje Drobac.
„Aušvic“ za pse
Govoreći o azilima, Danica Drobac napominje da se u civilizovanom svetu azili smatraju zastarelim i nehumanim konceptom jer je to život u zatočeništvu, protivprirodan potrebama vrste, zbog čega psima pada imunitet, te oboljevaju i umiru. Kako kaže, to se smatra zlostavljanjem životinje, naročito ako su azili kapaciteta za više od 200 pasa.
- A Grad se hvali izgradnjom pet azila i smeštanjem 3.000 pasa. To može biti samo „Aušvic“ i ništa drugo. Osamdesetih godina prošlog veka iskustvo u svetu je pokazalo da su takvi „no kill“ neodrživi, i ekonomski i konceptulano, i da se svaki takav projekat neminovno završio ubijanjam svih pasa, pa se u svetu odustalo od tog koncepta. Postavlja se pitanje zašto Beograd, sa tim saznanjem i usred ekonomske krize na svetskom i nacionalnom nivou, troši enormna sredstva i to na investiciju za koju sam zna unapred da je propala - naglašava Drobac.
Jednoga dana, umorni pas ušetao je u moje dvorište. Video sam po ogrlici i dobro uhranjenom stomačiću da ima dom i da je dobro zbrinut.
Mirno mi je prišao, pomilovao sam ga po glavi, zatim me pratio u kuću, polako otišao niz hodnik, sklupčao se u uglu i zaspao.
Sat kasnije, prišao je vratima i ja sam ga pustio napolje.
Sutradan je ponovno došao, pozdravio me, ušao unutra i zauzeo svoje mesto u hodniku, ponovno odspavavši oko sat vremena. To se ponavljalo nekoliko nedelja.
Iz znatiželje, pričvrstio sam ceduljicu na njegovu ogrlicu:
- Voleo bih da znam ko je vlasnik ovog divno, umiljatog psa i da ga pitam da li zna da svako popodne dolazi kod mene da odrema.
Pas je sutradan stigao s novom ceduljicom pričvršćenom na ogrlicu:
- On živi u kući sa šestoro dece, od kojih je dvoje mlađe od tri godine, pa pokušava da se naspava. Mogu li i ja da dođem sutra s njim?
Hvala BITEF teatru sto svake godine, 20. maja, vrata svog uglednog kulturnog zdanja otvara za kućne ljubimce, čime - ličnim primerom - na najneposredniji način doprinosi tako potrebnoj promeni odnosa ljudi prema psima u ovoj i ovakvoj sredini. I ove godine prihod od ulaznica je doniran našem Udruženju za potrebe ishrane kuca koje su zbrinute u našem mini azilu "Ogi". Ovakav plemeniti gest je od neprocenjive vaznosti jer utire put saosećanju i humanitarnom postupanju renomiranih institucija kulture u nasem društvu. Humanitarni rad i doniranje nije razvijeno u našoj sredini u meri koja odgovara drugim zaista civilizovanim zemljama, a posebno kada je rec o životinjama, a one su ozbiljno ugrožene u našoj sredini. Ova skromna donacije je izuzetno značajna danas jer je našem Udruženju, Grad Beograd, posle tri godine pomaganja u delu hrane i veterinarske nege, uskratio svaku pomoć.
Hvala BITEF -u na istrajnosti u organizovanju predstava za kućne ljubimce, na vernosti i na pomoći nasem Udruženju!
This is how “Veterina Beograd” (Veterinary Institution responsible for the affairs of public zoo hygiene in Belgrade), i.e. fleecers charges dog guardians for captured dogs that have been micro-chipped on their names, even after the Mayor’s office in their response to the question in the newspaper “Novosti” said that the guardians will be treated as street dogs care givers and thanked them for everything they were doing in helping the City. And then, overnight and unexpectedly, we became not only “unscrupulous owners", "false humanists" ("people who present themselves as protectors and dog lovers are in fact are false humanists", “the phony benevolence of these individuals is the main source of the problem of a large number of abandoned dogs on the streets” – all these quotes are from the official City statement) but also enemies that need to be dealt with using all resources (emotional blackmail, financial extortion, intimidation, threats of legal action for abandonment and its implementation).
On top of that, in their Plan of urgent measures with action plans to solve the problem of the street dogs, they confirmed the presence of false evidence - the existence of street dogs that are registered on guardians and dog protection associations, which they committed themselves to solve, but we can see how they “solved” it!
We blocked the guardian’s name, date, vehicle number and a receipt number. But the rest has not been filled out by the dog catcher and there is no official City seal!
This is the brutalization of not only dogs, but people as well, so much for government’s care for its people. The order was given from the “top” of the City government to collect ALL dogs, place them in death-camps and let them, in constant fear and shock, wait their turn to die! No, they don’t kill them, for now at least, but it is a well known fact that these types of mega-giga dog shelters do not work, they are not economically sustainable, and conceptually are self-destructive. Therefore all such attempts (though never with such a large number of dogs, they say 3000 but we have no way of confirming that), failed everywhere in the world – they were closed up and all the dogs in them were killed! Truth be told, even the City officials wrote that fact into their Strategy.
So, the question is why do they do it? How much of the City budget is spent on this insane adventure, but with fatal consequences for dogs? This Country and this City are in huge debt, is this the proper time, in the midst of the World economic crisis, for someone to gamble with our money – the taxpayer’s money? If I am supporting a dog voluntarily, why is the City forcefully taking it from me, so that they can support it? Hard to comprehend....In addition, as dogs who for years lived happily on the streets, free, had food and water every day, veterinary care, some even dog houses, but most of all love from the people that voluntarily cared for them, now tremble in fear and live in inhumane conditions, for no reason; while the media presents glowing reports about “humanity” of City officials – they are “solving” the problem because they are removing them from the streets, in a “humane” manner, but today in civilized world, dog “shelters” are considered dog abuse!Misconceptions of the uninformed public and media, that the problem can be solved by eliminating all dogs, which is not true, will continue until the elite group that elected their own ruling chairs and are collecting their pay-checks from the City budget, decides to seriously address the CAUSE! Therefore, in place of these good, socialized dogs that never bothered anyone and were used to living on the streets, some OTHER DOGS will arrive soon – with unpredictable behavior, not neutered or vaccinated, female dogs in heat surrounded by a pack and, as a result a whole bunch of new puppies! Up until now, we only had puppies from dogs of unscrupulous dog owners, now we still have those but also all these new ones!
The other misconception prevalent among all is that all dog shelters are a humane solution, again not true, but no one in Serbia knows that! Using these misconceptions, the City falsely presents itself as the problem “solver” and in a “humane” way. The truth is that they (government) are destroying everything that has been created over the years bringing us back to zero, as if no one ever did anything in Belgrade, even though many people dedicated 10 years of their lives in caring for those dogs, as did the previous City officials because dogs in Belgrade have been routinely neutered for years!
But that’s not all! Removing the CNR (Catch-Neuter-Release) dogs without a way to prevent arrival of new ones, equals total insanity! To make matters worse, they themselves wrote: “dog shelters are not the solution as new dogs will arrive”! An again we have the question, why do they do it?
Furthermore, Belgrade does not have a Program in place about population control and its reduction, based on Article 54 of Animal Welfare Act: provincial Cities HAVE and did it in a timely manner! Therefore, Belgrade that once shone like a star in a not so bright Serbia, with its CNR system, today lags behind the province and destroys the CNR that has been functioning in Belgrade for over 10 years, while other Cities are adding it into their Programs and they don’t even have the foster care and the street dog guardian program! Sick and inapprehensible!
In order to destroy the CNR system in Belgrade, they opted for violence and brutality, toward people and dogs: catching everything, from disabled dogs to extremely old dogs, often causing them physical injury! To sway people to give up their dogs that they forcibly remove and take them to their death camps, they are using emotional and financial blackmail, threats and intimidation, creating some new “rules” every day, using unwritten orders from the City government top, while not abiding by the law in any part, except in certain Articles that allow them the flexibility to carry out this terror!
This fraud is very perfidious on so many levels: Street dogs that they themselves micro-chipped to guardians, were proclaimed “proprietary” overnight, and are demanding payment from already impoverished people for their “work” – 5,500 din. (55€) for the “catch” (field work 1,000 din., “lost time” 1,500 din., catching the dog 3,000 din.), and 460 din. (4,6€) per day for each dog at their death-camps! Is there such a thing anywhere else? Out of love for their dogs, poor and discriminated people pay this ransom, only to have the whole cycle repeated the next day! Is there such a thing anywhere else?
Those dogs that have been micro-chipped on the City, in order to be released, they (the City) demand that they be re-chipped and “adopted”, i.e. that people become “legal guardians”, and then they threaten those people with a 50,000 (500€) penalty if they catch that dog again and, if caught it will never be returned again!? This, like everything else, is against the law, the Animal Welfare Act (Article 65), which states that they are obligated to return the dog!
But, power knows no God, dogs whimper, people suffer (many developed medical problems over this) and cry, beg not to have their dogs taken away, but “Veterina Beograd” remains untouched, as does the very “top” of City government that in fact issued those orders! NO MERCY FOR ANYONE – not for people, not for dogs!
This unlawful action caused a disaster on a massive scale, with thousands of dogs affected, because one person stood behind almost every dog! What is this great goal that’s “worth” such an uncalled for collective disaster? No one knows what their plan is, not even with the dogs, because no one holds them responsible, nor is anyone controlling them. They have walked over all animal protection agencies, disregarding the Animal Welfare Act law (Article 3), that calls for not only cooperation with agencies, but working together on a solution?!
In that same Strategy that was adopted in September 2011, they wrote that they will legalize the CNR , granted that such a document is not a legal document, nor can it replace the Program that hasn’t been created yet but, since it was adopted by City Council, creates a moral obligation. And what did they do? They are destroying the CNR with all means, using totally undemocratic methods (extortion, blackmail, threats) and are carrying out their lawless rampage in the SHOWDOWN WITH STREET DOG GUARDIANS - the goal of their plan is to break us down and take away our dogs, they already have, 2000 of them!
From summer of 2011 to December 31 of 2011, 265 dogs died in City shelters without having to deliberately kill them – we suspect the figure is much greater – dogs that people have rescued from their institutions, even after all the money spent on vet care and superhuman efforts, have died anyway – an estimated 450 additional dogs! Will anyone ever be held accountable for such a crime?
According to their records, only 213 dogs were housed in Ovca public shelter throughout 2011, brought in based on alleged biting occurrences, which is of NO CONSEQUENCE! Therefore, Belgrade dogs are not prone to biting despite the violence they suffer in this primitive environment!
Regardless of why comes into any government sector and wishes to solve problems, is obligated to start solving those problems based onexisting situation (status quo), and not to forcibly destroy existing situation in order to fit own goals. That’s deliberate destruction, and no one should have that right.
With this policy all dogs are being destroyed:
The ones that have been abducted are written off
The rest why are running for their lives are also threatened, they are left without people to care for them, and roam aimlessly as their habitats have been destroyed
Changing the requirement conditions for public assistance funds, for dog food purchases at numerous private dog shelters, leads to endangering additional dogs lives.
With a new “dangerous bread” tax of 30,000 din. (300€), under threat of property seizure for refusal to pay, they are forcing people to get rid of their dogs, endangering them and encouraging abandonment.
Worst of all is that this is what we have to live with - from anguish to plundering, and NO ONE knows, because the media veil of darkness in Belgrade has never been darker or denser!
U subotu, 21. aprila 2012. održan je PROTEST zbog nezapamćene represivne politike gradske vlasti prema psima, njihovog progona i patnje širokih razmera ljudi i pasa.
On March 13, 2012, animal hygiene team of “Veterina Beograd” (Veterinary Institution responsible for the affairs of public animal hygiene in Belgrade), began the dog clean-up action on the streets of New Belgrade (suburb of Belgrade), on two locations: at the Palace of Serbia (former Federal Executive Council building) and at the former site of the Energoprojekt Company in Spanish soldiers street.
Dogs at the Palace of Serbia used to live on a large construction site nearby, but when work on that site was finished, those dogs migrated to a deserted, unpopulated area near the Palace of Serbia.
They are the descendents of a small group of dogs that survived the massive strychnine poisoning in September of 2005, when “Veterina Beograd”, under the direct orders from the Department of Environmental Protection, got an order to “clean field”. A lawsuit filed by these dogs’ guardians, despite all autopsy, pathology and toxicology findings, as well as statements from witnesses, has not moved any further than the district prosecutor’s office.
For four days, March 13-16, 2012, at the site by the Palace of Serbia, “Veterina Beograd” dispatched 5 brand-new dog-catchers vans fully equipped with rotation lights, swarmed on this group of untrusting but peaceful, healthy and well fed dogs, and chased them through the field, wooded area and the shrubs that these dogs were hiding in. They chased them onto the two busiest four-lane streets, Mihajlo Pupin Boulevard and Nikola Tesla Boulevard. Causing 2 young dogs, on March 13, who were trying to run away from the speeding dog-catcher vans, to run into the heavy traffic on Nikola Tesla Boulevard and end up dead under the wheels of passing vehicles. The dog-catchers were directly responsible for the deaths of those two dogs and threatened the safety and endangered lives of everyone driving on the Boulevard at the time. Aside from the direct attack on the lives of people and dogs, the dog-catchers caused a tremendous trauma to drivers (and everyone in their cars) whose vehicles ended up killing the dogs. Trauma was caused to the people that were on the public transportation bus that was stopped at the traffic light at the time, who watched and were appalled at this horrid and savage campaign. Dog-catchers packed their “pray”, young dogs less than a year-old, into two stationary vans. Older, faster, stronger and more experienced at hiding dogs, resisted a few more days.
On March 16, they arrived at the Palace of Serbia with 2 vehicles, continuing to chase the already traumatized and tortured remaining dogs. With one of their vehicles, they hit the oldest female dog named “Big Mama” and killed her by breaking her neck. The eyewitness Aleksandra Dokic ran to the dead dog and snapped a picture before the dog-catchers removed it. At the scene, two dog guardians, Nada Prokic and Mileta Kusurovic were also present.
After they were done with the hunt at the Palace of Serbia, dog-catchers moved on to an “easier” job at the former site of “Energoprojekt”. This abandoned site housed a group of about 10 dogs, where all but one female were neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped by the “Veterina Beograd” in the Fall of 2011 and earlier. These dogs are untrusting but non-aggressive, well fed and calm. They do not leave the enclosed space of the former site. In the autumn of last year, the guardians of these dogs contacted the dog-catchers, helped them catch the dogs using the blow-darts, had them sterilized in Resnik and returned back to the site. Dogs were returned to their habitat, micro-chipped in the names of guardians who assisted in this action.
And as in 2006, 2007 and 2008, the animal hygiene of Belgrade places a condition of returning all dogs to their previous habitats by forcing their caregivers to become legal guardians and accept all responsibilities of ownership. The difference now from previous decade is that, on September of 2011 City Council adopted the latest Strategy of dealing with non-owner dogs and cats in the City of Belgrade. As a direct executor of this Strategy, “Veterina Beograd” is required to work based on the Strategy guidelines. One of the specific goals of the Strategy is to legalize the street animal guardian status. Quite the opposite, “Veterina Beograd” for months now, has transformed the guardians into owners, thereby negating the purpose of this Strategy, as well as one of the two fundamental methods of the Strategy: Catch-Neuter-Release (CNR). On the other hand, despite the Regulation that recently went into effect (article 36, page 2) and conditions to be met by the animal shelters, “Veterina Beograd” does not inform dog guardians when their dogs have been caught. The whole problem has an economic aspect as well – catching and transporting one guardian dog is 5,500 Dinars (about 55€), one day at the shelter is 460 Dinars (about 4,5€).
On March 13, at “Energoprojekt”, dog-catchers started removal of all already neutered dogs, registered on guardians who feed and care for them. Using the blow-darts, they caught one dog on the first day and one more the next day. On March 15, traumatized but wise remaining dogs hid under some barracks seeking shelter.
When the dog-catchers discovered their hiding place, they started dismantling the barracks, by slamming on the walls and moving the concrete foundations, putting the hiding dogs in direct danger of concrete slabs collapsing on them. Poking and hitting them with wooden planks and iron bars, they forced the dogs from one end to the other, where they waited for them with ropes and wire cables. With a wire cable they caught one of the male dogs – scared and with bleeding head wounds, injected him with tranquilizer and threw him in the van. Since the eyewitnesses were in their way, one of the dog-catchers, Markovic, started insulting and cursing at one of the dog guardians – an elderly lady dressed in bereavement black clothes.
On March 16, another eyewitness Nada Prokic, who is also a dog guardian to several dogs, arrived at this site, previously obtaining permission at the gate to enter. At that moment, dog-catchers were dragging one of the long ago sterilized, a female dog Ema. When they saw Ms. Prokic, all but one (Markovic) dog-catcher stopped and stood there in silence. Markovic started using profanities at Ms. Prokic, screamed “what is she doing here” and called his supervisor at “Veterina Beograd”. He was told to call the police, which he did several times until they arrived at the site. Markovic waited for them at the gate and told them that Ms. Prokic is “interfering with their work”. Ms. Prokic was joined by another eyewitness, dog guardian Mr. Veselinovic, who tried to talk to the police. Entering the site, policemen Trajkovic (badge number 10 56 92), demanded ID cards from both eyewitnesses and asked them both to leave as they are trespassing and explaining that they are there “unannounced and disturbing men at work”. Ms. Prokic told the policemen Trajkovic that they did obtain permission to enter from the site guard, and were there as witnesses of savage dog-catching practice which violating several laws - The Animal Welfare Act, the Law on Veterinary, the European Convention, as well as the Rules of “Veterina Beograd” on how to capture animals. Ms. Prokic, having explained all that, refused to leave the site, but the policemen grabbed her roughly by the arm and, dragging her from the site, pushed her into the police car. The dog-catchers continued their action. Nada Prokic was taken to the police station, where she was held all morning under police guard – she wasn’t allowed to use the bathroom or was given any water. To complete the picture, Nada Prokic is an elderly, small and frail woman, a doctor and a retired professor from the University of Medicine. The other eyewitness, dog guardian Mr. Veselinovic is also a professor at the College of Mining and Geology.
On March 17, one of the dog guardians called Vladimir Terzin, Deputy City Secretary for public utility services, the animal hygiene sector, complaining about the savage handling of dogs by dog-catchers and use of steel rods, hooks and planks....Vladimir Terzin replied “We’ll knock down the barracks if we have to!”
The dog-catchers briefly stopped their “hunt” on March 21 and 22, but then continued their savage persecution of these dogs.
Veterinary Inspection, at the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Water and Forestry, responsible for overseeing the implementation and animal welfare, as well as Veterinary Administration, did not respond to any of the numerous letters written by dog guardians, about the Law violations by the “Veterina Beograd”.
By involving all the most important electronic media in Serbia in a campaign against dogs, in prime time chief informative programs, by continuous broadcasting of videotaped incidents with dogs, including even the act of catching dogs by dogcatchers in Šumice and Dedinje in the period between 11 and 15 October 2011, a dangerous precedent with far-reaching consequences was created in this country.
By broadcasting the act of catching the dogs, electronic media like TV Pink, RTS 1, Studio B TV, B92 TV, TV Avala, and Prva TV have flagrantly and on a continuous basis been violating the Law on Broadcasting, Article 68, points 5 and 6, which they must not have done. To such behavior of theirs, however, nobody has reacted, including the RRA (Republic Broadcasting Agency) although the fine envisaged for such a breach according to the provision of Article 113, point 2, ranges from 300.000 to 1.000.000 dinars. Another breach was committed because the viewers had not been warned about the content that followed which was disturbing for all emotionally sensitive persons. Everything that is shocking for even a little bit civilized world, has become a "normal" system of values in Serbia and is moreover presented in the prime time chief informative programs without any prior warning when dogs are concerned?!
We are really wondering how is all that possible and for how long will it be like that? Oh, yes, we have forgotten the fact that when dogs are at stake everything is allowed to everybody! Is it normal that a non-profit organization of volunteers that cares for stray dogs has also to care for the respect of law in this country and for mental peace of its inhabitants instead that this be done by such a large number of employees in numerous institutions of this country who are for the concrete and similar situations paid from the budget?
A fierce media attack on dogs was carried out although the mentioned bites were caused by owned dogs, and the entire anti-dog campaign was imputed, as has always been the case, to stray dogs; and immediately thereafter "spontaneously" followed an unprecedented organized raid by dogcatchers all over Belgrade, who were working in two shifts catching unselectively all dogs, including those cared for which do not make any trouble to anybody as they have been living for years in the streets without any incident. The biggest absurd is the fact that those who are catching most of such dogs without any appropriate reason and who are condemning them to lifelong detention, used to send them back as tame among people, as recently as yesterday. All of us living in this country know that anyone can treat the dogs in the way that pleases him.
TV companies did not take any statement of any of the NGOs in such a "crucial moment for the entire nation" - because, if the whole of Serbia was alarmed because of the dogs, it would have been logical to hear their voice as well. “EI 17” has offered a statement to TV Pink, as it had been advised about the maltreatment of a small owned dog in Zemun; however, they did not even send us any answer – just to illustrate the communication culture of the TV Company having the highest viewer rating in Serbia. Nobody came to help him, and no matter how it might sound as pure heresy in the present-day boiling situation – the dog was not guilty because there was nobody to prevent what happened! However, these are the topics that, in principle, are not interesting for them. The cardinal rule of journalism to present both sides rarely applies when dogs are concerned.
We were surprised to see the police on recorded to catch the dogs – the policemen that were on strike and who had declared that they would intervene only in the case of criminal offenses?! Is it possible that catching dogs in the streets has become a criminal offense overnight, and in someone’s interest? The police, the authority whose main task is to keep order in any country, is used in Belgrade for catching the puppies?! It was nothing else but demonstration of the horrible force and violence.
Anti-stray dog media campaign launched in 2000 has never ended. Dogs were at that time taken out from complete anonymity and placed under the floodlights of TV cameras and the public to become, by now, unprecedented victims of exploitation and manipulation by the media. It is just the dogs in this society, and no one else, who have been persecuted, and also demonized, continuously and with so much dedication.
The approach to the issue of stray dogs is impermissibly superficial, mainly arbitrary and personal, above all. As responsibility towards citizens is non-existent, they have been deprived of the basic information of the essence of this problem, the measures being taken and of their desirable behavior towards the dogs. Recently, TV Pink made an effort, when broadcasting the catching of dogs around the "Pavle Savid" primary school (well, not for the first time) in Mirijevo, but also of catching the snakes, to invite a snake expert who said that they were not dangerous. However, no dog expert has been invited, as has always been the case! It is deploring and unforgivable that the concern of the media when dogs are in question only ranges from an incident to a bite!
The genesis of each bite is the violence against the dog, and cynophobia the cause of all incidents with them.
Consequently, and taking into account that any campaign against anyone is, actually, a call to lynch someone, the dogs in this case, is it permissible that electronic media of a state that hopes to get the status of candidate for EU membership are calling to violence?
Why is nobody reacting to such public calls to violence: from institutions to authorities to numerous NGOs that are rating high in the media because they are funded from abroad?
Any campaign against someone incites commission of criminal offenses, disturbs the public, causes panic (criminal acts) and, as if it were not sufficient, instills CONSCIENTIOUSLY enormous amounts of fear to citizens of the dogs, thus creating the ideal conditions for a war between men and dogs, which will inevitably lead to a striking increase of the number of bitten citizens and of the number of killed or maltreated dogs. WHOSE GOAL IS THAT, after all?
Let it be clear, bites and incidents with dogs happen in any country and will always happen because life is also made of incidents, as there will also be INCIDENTS WITH DOGS. However, giving so much room in the media, including in the news, is morbid, particularly when the news about the murder of a man or about other suffering of people is broadcasted once and generally not repeated, while the programs dedicated to the incidents with dogs are broadcasted as TV novellas – ad nauseam! Is it normal?
Yes, in Serbia is being waged a special war against dogs because such “reporting” about dogs by the media really has numerous features of the classical: the perfidiousness. Neither citizens nor dogs are aware that they are the target of the attack, everything turns out to have happened naturally (and is, de facto, provoked), the purpose is to change the mental matrix of conscience in a manner adequate to accomplish the goal (destruction of stray dogs) and to conduct the contemplative process of the population. WHO IS STANDING BEHIND SOMETHING SO MONSTROUS IN SERBIA?
Why has someone for so many years been hiding the truth and preventing the citizens from understanding the problem and from learning to live with stray dogs? Why has nobody explained to them that there must be dogs because there are no mechanisms as yet that would prevent inflow of new ones? Why has nobody asked those who are “bothered” by a dog that, by the way, does not cause any trouble to them, if they would prefer someone else unknown to them, instead of the dog, approach and, perhaps, cause them trouble? Why is someone constantly maintaining and supporting the generally widespread misconception that dogs can be eliminated in order to build upon that misconception the conflict between us who love and do not love the dogs? One, then, wonders, how do the media inform us at all?
This intensive elimination of the dogs across Belgrade is nothing else but a pure pre-election farce.
By using the methods applicable in the rest of the world, according to the data of "Veterina Beograd", E17 did an analysis of the bites caused to humans by stray dogs in Belgrade which shows that in Belgrade, with thousands of stray dogs, annual incidence of dog bites caused to humans is 0,11%, or incomparably less than in the countries not having stray dogs! Why then, and with what right are Belgrade stray dogs demonized in the media – without any supporting facts – and in whose interest?
Well, if for citizens of Serbia the dogs are a problem more serious than their craving for everyday bread and general despair this is, then, a rarely happy country which they failed to become aware of.
As a proof of the above, follows the number of TV programs dedicated to dogs which were broadcasted in a couple of days only, and the number is frightening - worthy of the famous Goebbels propaganda!
Distinguished editors and journalists of printed and electronic media, Distinguished citizens of Belgrade and Serbia,
It is with the pain in our hearts and disbelief in our souls that we note that the devil is claiming its clue in Belgrade and in the country of Serbia with such “information” presented by the media to their inhabitants.
How is it possible that such a disproportionate room in the media is dedicated primarily to maniacal persecution of dogs and that, on the other hand, the media are not interested in informing the citizens about the almost massive suffering of the dogs in some locations of this city?
POISONING of stray dogs, and of owned dogs as well, and VIOLENCE against them have already become frightening a long time ago, which manifests a serious sign of pathology and disease of the entire society, while at the same time nobody among those paid from the budget is not willing to deal with this issue and the media do not want to report about that?
Personally, my experience of yesterday was that a mentally disordered person, a longstanding patient of a corresponding institution who was discharged by a “responsible” doctor, started threatening me with an enormous metallic sledge-hammer that he will kill me, offending me at the same time most brutally because I am the person who is feeding the stray dogs in the neighborhood?!
Then, under the pretext of having been attacked, that his daughter had been bitten – which is a lie, his daughters are grown-up and nice girls - they even have their own dog, he set out to kill with the sledge hammer the guarded dogs living for years in the neighborhoods and which have never caused any single incident?! Nobody, absolutely nobody wanted to come and help to take away the sledge hammer from him because everybody - believing that his false stories are true, almost had "understanding" for his intent?!
It was only myself who as a woman prevented him from killing a dog who was lying quietly and who was even rejoicing in his presence wagging his tail all the time, while the ill man wanted to hit him on the head. He gripped a little another dog that had not managed to escape.
He was acting wildly for quite some time, I called the police which came but refused to approach him although I told them that the man was really a mentally disordered person and that he is under medical treatment, which I know positively as he lives in the same building with me?!
I insisted that this man, who is aggressive and dangerous, had to be urgently returned to the hospital, however, the police of Mirijevo refused to apply the existing procedure which allows removal of such persons because all activities of the police are focused on the dogs, as usually?! It is not worth mentioning that in question are two criminal acts because we, the citizens, have no one to protect us in this country – everything is destructed, including the police!
This mentally disordered person also attacked a 70-year old neighbor because the latter "did not want to leave his wife alone at the bus stop"(?!), and was threatening to slaughter him sooner or later, although the man had nothing to do with the dogs, unlike me. This only confirms the mental disorder of the mentioned. He was acting savagely all the morning, was hitting the metal posts with the sledge hammer, and nobody was responsible for removing him immediately. If anybody had made a call to report that a dog started barking, even if it were the stars that a dog would bark at, dogcatchers would urgently come and take it away! If a similar accident had happened in any country, not only European, three ambulance cars would have come in five minutes and take such a patient to the appropriate place.
Mental hospitals are full and also are the prisons according to what we hear, tranquilizers will no longer be sold as candies, and the only who remain are we and the stray dogs left to be treated as pariahs by everyone, by the naïve people who believe everything they are told, including the substitution of the thesis that stray dogs are their biggest problem, and not the hunger, general poverty and hopelessness of millions of destroyed human lives.
Someone has intentionally and professionally – impeccably – launched this unprecedented most aggressive anti-stray dog campaign, although the four bites were caused exclusively by owned dogs. Everything has been skillfully attributed to stray dogs: why? Because those who are leading this country have political and any other interest in that area in this pre-election period, whereas the media, instead of being those who control the ruling power together with the political opposition and non-governmental sector, have been transformed in Serbia into a service of the executive power at all levels.
We can even partly understand the political and electoral interest. But, that the price of a political point before the elections has to be the deliberate instigation to violence and endangering of hundreds of lives of people and stray dogs is overly expensive and impermissible. Democracy in Serbia must not transform into electoral tyranny!
I do not accept that my life or the life of anyone else who cares about abandoned animals, or of those who are just walking their dogs on the leash, is endangered because someone has marked us, consciously or unconsciously, and for one’s own interest, as live targets and thus directed all problematic categories of this society, mentally disordered persons, alcoholics, usurpers, addicts and all primitive persons to give vent to their lower instincts on us, including even ordinary citizens indoctrinated by the media who believe that we are "a danger for them” and that by attacking us "they are doing a good thing”! This is the first experience of this kind in my life during my 16-year long care of stray dogs!
This is the reason why we are asking the ruling personalities, but also the media – in the absence of adequate functioning of institutions in this country, to at least show respect for our lives and to bring to end these games that have surpassed all limits as otherwise they can cause an even more serious suffering of the guiltless on all sides.